Hey guys, I was offered a spot as a columnist by AdminChris and I need your opinions on what I should write about. Basicly my job would be to come up with a list of topics that I think would help the course notes audience and then write about those. It'll all probably end up on the main site so this is a serious question. What would you guys like me to write a guide about? :confused:
Thanx in advance! :D
Btw here are the links to my previous guides:
http://www.course-notes.org/forum/showthread.php?t=800 [4]
http://www.course-notes.org/forum/showthread.php?t=814 [5]
[IMG]http://img471.imageshack.us/img471/9462/11thcommandment8fl.jpg[/IMG] [6]
True Dedication for a cause:
[IMG]http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/5046/dedicationue6.jpg[/IMG] [7]