:confused: I met "suzie" in Jr. High. We are in highschool now and have been going out on/off for about 4 years now. It's great, I mean she's a wonderful person and I love being with her. But things just aren't the ame as they were when we first started seeing eachother. We fight a lot more. Good times and feelings are less common than bad feelings and and the whole "not talking" game. It's like there's always something to argue about. And it takes a healthy toll out of both our lives. I guess the question I am asking is...is it worth it? I mean of course I'd love for things to work and things to be like before, but things just don't seem heading that direction, so would it be better just do the whole "friends" thing and stay friends. Even she says it seems like we're forcing something to work that obviously won't sometimes. I really don't know what to do. Oh and here's the icing on the cake, homecoming at my school is in 2 weeks..."suzie" is my date. What do you think should happen? Please...i'm open to any advise you have to give. Thanks for listening. (reading) and have a nice day :)
Diavolo :cool: