Hey there, everyone.
I'm Kerri, and I'm a rising senior at South Iredell High School. :D I'm majorly into music, being the flute/clarinet section leader in our school's marching band (I personally play piccolo), I'm 1st chair flute/piccolo player in our concert band, I play alto saxophone in our jazz band, I play in the local community band (flute, of course), and I participate in my church choir as well as school chorus. I'm also into acting, and had a main role in our spring production this past year ("Shoestring Theatre"), until I had to drop the play because of my suffering grades. I'm a member of the Beta Club at our school, and am a former member of student council, CYC (Committed Young Christians or as our school calls the group, The God Squad), and Junior Jaycees (community service club).
Wow, that was quite a bit. I mainly joined this site just a couple months ago, so as to get extra help for my AP US History class. No idea as of now whether any help I got from here helped on my AP exams (still awaiting the scores).
Well, I'm gonna quit rambling now. See y'all around the board!
Senior '07
Marching Band Flute/Clarinet Section Leader: Bring on the Heat!
[=Magenta][=Book Antiqua]~*~ 9*24*05~*~: A perfect day with an even be