Hi I am a junior in high school, and was wondering, what is needed/reccomended to major in something medical, like a pediatrician or something.
My freshmen year GPA: 3.00, average in my eyes
My sophomore year GPA: 2.16, i dont kno what happened soph more year, i became stupid and lazy so fast.
So far junior year seems to be going by alright, APUSH is sort've hard to keep up with.
I am pretty sure with my current state I will not be able to became a pediatrician, but was wondering, are their any jobs out their that anyone might know about that pay well and are fairly fun?
Main reason I want to be a pediatrician in the first place is for my parents.
But im not sure if that is what I really want to do. I like the idea of being a pediatrician, you get respect, paid well, get to work with kids, but is it something I can do for my whole life? I'm not sure yet.
Im just not sure what I am going to be in life, and im a junior, and I feel like im running out of time to decide:confused: