(Haha just kidding. But I am really bad at AP. x])
Hello everyone. I just joined this forum yesterday and so far everything seems really nice. Right now I'm a sophomore and right now I'm taking AP U.S. History. It's not that bad I guess but the research you have to do is a pain (in my opinion.) :p
Well I look forward to meeting everyone and I'll be sure to see you around the forums. (If anyone wants to study for AP U.S., just contact me and I'll be more than happy to study with you.)
P.s. You can call me Essy / whatever you prefer. Nicknames are fun. :D
( APUSH, AP Lang & Comp, APEuro*, AP Physics*, AP Chemistry* )
[img]http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/6193/narutardzj5.jpg[/img] [4]
[img]http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/921/jewelsigub8.jpg[/img] [5]
* current