Well I'm writing a paper on if the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan, and whether or not it was necessary or not. This is the basic outline of my paper. Would anyone else have any suggestions as to how to make this stronger or easier to support? Is there another point I should make? I am supposed to be writing 3 pages on each side, then a 2 or 3 page analysis. Thanks!
Yes it was justified
1. Japanese had practiced germ warfare
-subjected chinese, saw them as inferior
2. Truman thought war wouldn't have ended otherwise
-fierce fighters, willing to fight to the end
3. Needed to show off to Soviet Union
-prevent possible threats after WWII ended
No it shouldn't have been dropped
1. effects of bomb
-people suffered, the pain
2. what it was meant to be used for
-szilard (creator) built it to prevent germany from threatening U.S. with one
3. It would set off an arms race
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