I've heard pretty good things about both UC Irvine and UC Berkeley as far as premedical programs are concerned. However, I'm still not sure which I'd rather attend. Strictly for biology/premed, does anyone here know anything about either university to help me with my decision? I know Irvine's focus is on medical research, but would an education there still be a sturdy basis for, say, general practice? surgery? :confused:
Also, I've heard that most science majors who apply to medical school major in biology first, but a fair amount of chemistry knowledge is also helpful. Which major--biology or chemistry--would better prepare me for med school? (Assume that my college's reputation with both majors is equal.)
Edit: Another question comes to mind: would it look bad on my college application if I don't haven't enrolled in any AP science classes (given my proposed premed/bio major)? My school doesn't offer any, though I'm still considering taking AP Chem next year, teaching myself with the textbook.