just want to see if i can get some testimonials here. i want to know what are the best AP help books for all available AP classes, particularly the ones i'll be taking next year. They are:
AP Government
AP Macroeconomics
AP Physics
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Literature and Composition
AP Spanish
(yeah that's right, all AP :p)
as well as the ones i'm taking this year:
AP Biology
AP Language
AP Statistics
AP US History (this class has me freakin out so much. even more so because the social sciences and i don't mix - at all. i got the "United States History: Prepaing for the Advanced Placement Examination" by Newman and Schmalbach, and i think it's pretty good. Way easier to understand than that Pageant book)
any general advice on surviving next year would help too