this isn't really a cry for help...more just a complaint. there is a guy on my block with and old school (1967 i think) charger. i don't know if he is trying to make time to restore it but right now it is just falling apart in his driveway. i have to walk past it every morning to get to the bus stop and i almost cry. this car could be so beautiful and it is just rusting into a piece of crap.the guy who owns it doesn't even have a tarp over it or anything so it just gets destroyed by the constant rain.
anyone out there with a similar experience, or is it just me who gets depressed when i see this kind of waste?
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics