I'm going to be a Senior next year, and this year I've only taken AP Bio.
Currently I'm signed up for:
AP Chem (2 periods)
AP Phys C (2 periods)
AP Calc AB (1 period w/ a 2period lab day)
AP EnglishLang (1 per.)
AP Psych (1 per.)
The above would be my complete schedule aside from Lunch and Phys Ed
My AP Science classes are double periods, which take a lot out of my schedule. I'm wondering if I should drop any of those APs to take AP Italian. Would the course load for the above schedule be too much? I also do Track and Field, and some clubs throughout the year.
*I'm intending to major in Biomedical Engineering, btw.
Biology: 5
Calc AB:
Phys C: