Yea so im not having serious problems with a girl but im having a tough time seeing what i should do. Me and this girl have been hooking up for like 2-3 weeks I call her to hang out and I am always turned down but then on weekends all she wants to do is hangout at night she says she always busy during the weekdays she always has pretty good excuses and i talked to her friends they say shes busy but I am not so sure. She also like seriously hates touchy feel stuff like holding hands but she does it with me all the time when we hang out. I think this girl likes me but some of her friends say that she doesn't want a boyfriend but the way she acts when we do hang out makes me think she does. One time we were at a party and we were both pretty bad and i walked her home later and she asked me to come in and sleep over. I declined because i was sobering up and she wasn't and i don't think she was in her right mind so it didn't feel right, right then. This girl is by no means a slut either she never hooks up with anyone and a lot of guys like her so just to end some of ur thoughts. Her friends also told me she only hooks up with guys she really likes.
Does anybody have any advice on what to do to kinda take the relationship farther not necessarily be boyfriend and girlfriend or if this girl even seriously likes me