Well, Bassoonist and I were shouting, and decided that spiders are completely evil as they are perverts. So we have a few ways in which to rid the perverted spiders from your bathroom, via this shout box chat:
Greenlover17: lol ;P
bassoonist@large: lol
bassoonist@large: double the effect!
Greenlover17: I buy into that ad
Greenlover17: *perverted
Greenlover17: and preverted spiders!
Greenlover17: and spiders'
Greenlover17: works on pervert
Greenlover17: I have pepper spray
Greenlover17: Stings the eyes and stops the breathing!
bassoonist@large: and here i thot axe would do it
Greenlover17: I think so
Greenlover17: yes
bassoonist@large: niiice
Greenlover17: heh heh heh
Greenlover17: the cream will smother them
bassoonist@large: xDD
Greenlover17: and then
Greenlover17: the smell will get knock them out
bassoonist@large: lol
Greenlover17: *shaving
Greenlover17: men's chaving cream is much more potent
bassoonist@large: xD
Greenlover17: -whips out the heavy cream-
bassoonist@large: or at least arm myself with shaving cream.
Greenlover17: ^^;
bassoonist@large: me to...
Greenlover17: I think I'll skip my shower today...
Greenlover17: really scared
bassoonist@large: xD
bassoonist@large: really scared now
bassoonist@large: ok, i'm scared
Greenlover17: o.O;
Greenlover17: They can look everywhere!
bassoonist@large: eeeewww
bassoonist@large: plus they have 8 eyes too.
Greenlover17: -shivers-
bassoonist@large: -shivers-
bassoonist@large: i know right!
Greenlover17: those spiders
Greenlover17: They are perverts
bassoonist@large: thats a good idea!
bassoonist@large: or when i'm vaccuuming.
Greenlover17: I think shaving cream is a good tool though
We couldn't copy all of it, but Bassoonist also says Lysol is good to suffocate them with.
Please leave your own stories about the horrors of spiders. As well as your ideas on how to remove the eight-legged horrors.
Just Breathe...
A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.
Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Rainfall may make