I have never had a "serious" relationship. I went out with a girl for maybe 2 days and she broke with me. I'm not ugly, I'm not stupid, but I'm not super-popular. I am a little shy, and I haven't asked any other girls out after what happened with the first one. I took her to the dance, and she danced with another guy and started kissing him right in front of me. :mad::mad::mad:
WHAT DO I DO?? I am tired of being pressured for being a virgin, and not being the "chick-magnet". I need some help here....
Respect the Pledge of Alleigance!! Honor the stars and stripes and be proud to be an AMERICAN!! :)
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives, but I also like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of