Alright, so I'm a junior in High School and right after last school year I started go out with this wonderful guy. Mind you, he had been the last person I could have ever seen myself go out with! But after hanging out a few times I really, really liked him and he eventually asked me out on June 21st! We hung out A LOT! He became one of my bests friends; I could tell him ANYTHING and I would never feel awkward with him or anything (like I had with previous, but not as serious, boyfriends). He liked me a lot too and eventually said that he loved me after only a month (which I knew was a little too soon). I just cannot put into words what we had! It was amazing! We were at each others' houses every other day pretty much and it NEVER got boring at all. I went on vacation at the beginning of July and wouldn't come back until pretty much the end of July and all we could do was talk to each other using "snail mail". I sent him something EVERY DAY! And when I got back he gave me a stuffed animal and two dozen roses. Everything was going fine until I went him father's birthday party ad he broke up with me there. I, naturally, began crying and he eventually cried too and said he made a big mistake, etc. He said he thought he didn't care for me anymore, but he actually still did. After that we were fine until he told me that he'd like more space between us. I told him that was fine. Two weeks later he began ignoring me. I asked him what the matter was during lunch one day in a text message because I couldn't talk on the phone at the time. And you know what he did? He broke up with me in a text message! I couldn't believe it! So time passed....and we weren't together. IT WAS TERRIBLE! (Sorry I'm sort of leaving some details out because it would take a little too long to write them) I really care for him a lot! I would do anything for him a heart beat.
I hope that covers the main points of that. But lets see...I was pissed at him for a few weeks because of the fact he did it in a text message, but he eventually did apologize for that. And we're friends now. I wasn't pissed because he broke up with me, it was just he way it was done because I really want him to be happy even if that means me not being happy. But I asked one of his friends to kinda find out why he did all that...........So he said that he regretted the fact he did it in a text. The this is what I don't get. He said that he was scared at how serious it got so quickly. He was just afraid of how serious it got so fast and he thought that he'd get me pregnant (NOT gonna happen). He said he thought he would because of two of his dreams that he had, but I assured him that we wouldn't be doing anything like that. His friend told me that guys just FREAK when girls get serious or something. I just don't get that!!!! Because he still likes me and everything and we still talk....And he told his friend that I was the best girlfriend that hes had!
:/ So guys...tell me...or that normal? :confused: Or am I missing something. Haha, I hope I didn't leave a lot in my story out!
OH! One more thing that I need to mention! I was thinking about talking to him face-to-face about it and ask him. I want the whole truth and I want to see his reactions. Should I?
I Am Taking:
Ap U.S. History
AP English
AP Physics B
and AP Calculus!