Hello, I just just registered but i've been using this site for a long time, and I must say it's bailed me out on countless occassion (especially AP History:))
Could anybody tell any tips or hints on getting a higher score on the ACT Wrtiting and Mathmatics section. I'm getting 27 on both and I need to get at least 30, my priority is a 32. I'm doing great on all other aspects of the test, but I can't seem to make a breakthrough here,(then again, I've only taken one practice test on the Writing section, and i missed questions that I know I won't miss in the future:p) and i did the same on the math section.
I have the Real ACT Pre Guide, but it doesn't offer so much practice as a Princeton Review book would, but I heard it was the best , so I bought it.
I would greatly appreciate anyone's help!