[IMG]http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/yy232/fighum/Newton.jpg[/IMG] [3]
I've been working on a collection of caricatures of great historic figures (above is a sample).
The collection includes biographies and quaotations of the portrayed, and it chooses them by their real importance and not by their popularity, so it can have some interest beside from the drawings themselves.
Now, I seek for some feedback about the drawings and advice about some options of a possible future business. So, I prepared a brief presentation of the ideia, with some few direct questions about it.
For those of you who are willing to help me, here it is [url=http://www.fighum.com]my [4] caricatures presentation. It will take you just 2 or 3 minutes.
I would be most appreciated if you give me your advice! :)