experimen electropheresis
Biology [1]
Materials: Your 2mg/ml Con A sample The other fractions collected from Affinity column Con A control in distilled water Con A control in Con A buffer Precast mini Tris-HCl Acrylamide 12% running/ 4% stacking gel (15 wells at 15?l vol / well) 2X sample buffer microtubes boiling water or dry bath (95-100?C) Running Buffer (Tris/glycine/SDS) mini gel apparatus Coomassie Blue R-250 Staining solution Destain solution shaker staining trays photographic equipment ? Fotodyne imaging system Procedure Purpose of certain materials; SDS ? coats protein, gives negative charge DTT or ?-ME ? reduces disulfide bridges Glycerol ? makes sample dense Bromophenol blue ? tracking dye Procedure Sample Preparation: