Voacbulary Set 9-10
The Confederation and the Constitution, 1776-1790
Launching the New Ship of State, 1789-1800
Terms : Hide Images [1]
227722257 | census | an official count of population;in the United States, the federal census occurs every ten years | |
227722258 | public debt | the debt of a government or nation to individual creditors, aslo called the nation debt | |
227722259 | cabinet | the body of official advisers to the head of govenrment; in the United States, it consists pf the heads of the major executive departments | |
227722260 | circuit court | a court that hears cases in several designated locations rather than a single place | |
227722261 | fiscal | concerning public finances---expenditures and revenues | |
227722262 | assumption | the appropriation or taking on of oblogations not originally one's own | |
227722263 | excise | a tax on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of certain products | |
227722264 | stock | the shares of capital ownerhsip gained from investing in a corporate enterprise; the term also refers to the certificares representing such shares | |
227722265 | medium of exchange | any item, paper or otherwise, used as money | |
227722266 | despotism | arbitrary or tyrannical rule | |
227722267 | impress | to force people or property into public service without choice | |
227722268 | assimilation | the merging of diverse cultures or peoples into one | |
227722269 | witch-hunt | an investigation carried on with much publicity, supposedly to uncover dangerous activity but actually intended to weaken the political opposition | |
227722270 | compact | an agreement or covenant between states to perform some legal act | |
227722271 | nullification | in american politics, the assertion that a state may legally invalidate a federal act deemed inconsistent with its rights or sovereignity | |
227722272 | disestablish | to seperate an official state church from its connection with the govrnment | |
227722273 | emancipation | setting free from srvitude or slavery | |
227722274 | chattel | an article of personal or movable property; hence a term applied to slaves, since they were considered the personal porperty of their owners | |
227722275 | abolitionist | favoring the end of slavery | |
227722276 | ratification | the confirmation or validation of an act (such as constitution) by authoritative approval | |
227722277 | bill of rights | a list of fundamental freedoms assumed to be central to society | |
227722278 | aliens | foreigners,also, persons resident in but not citizens of country | |
227722279 | township | in america, a surveyed territory sixmiles square; the term also refers to a unit of local government, smalledr than a county, that is often based on these survey units | |
227722280 | territory | in american government, an organized political entitty not yet enjoying the full and equal status of a state | |
227722281 | annex | to make a smaller territory or politcal unit part of a larger one | |
227722282 | requisition | a demand for something issued on the basis of public authority | |
227722283 | foreclosure | depriving someone of the right to redeem mortgaged property because the legal payments on the loan have not been kept up | |
227722284 | quorum | the minimum number of person who must be present in a group before it can conduct valid business | |
227722285 | anarchy | the theory that formal government is unnecessary and wrong in principle, the term is alos used generally for lawlessness or antigovermental disorder | |
227722286 | bicameral | referring to a legislative body with two houses | |
227722287 | unicameral | referring to a legislative body with one house |