Biology Powerpoint Notes
Biology [1]
Genetics! Chapter 9 Objectives Define homozygous, heterozygous, allele, genotype, phenotype. Understand Mendel?s 3 laws Perform a Dihybrid cross. What we already know? Dominant/Recessive Alleles Genotypes Phenotypes Heterozygous/Homozygous Monohybrid Crosses (Punnett Squares with 1 trait!) Gregor Mendel ?Father of Genetics? Austrian Monk that studied pea plants Pure breeds Self Fertilization Cross Polination Discovered how traits were inherited in a population Mendel?s 3 Laws 1. Law of Segregation Each allele a person has separates into different gametes Ex. Ww ? one W goes in one sperm and the other w goes into another sperm w W w W Sperm Mendel?s 3 Laws 2. Law of Independent Assortment Gene pairs (homologous) will separate randomly into gametes Mendel?s 3 Laws