AP Government Court Cases
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6828143 | Marbury V Madison | This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review | |
6828144 | McCullough V Maryland | In establishing a national bank, Congress was legally exercising its enumerated powers not sepcifically mentioned in the Constitution. | |
6828145 | Cohen V Virginia | Established the authority of the court to review state criminal cases on appeal | |
6828146 | Gibbons V Ogden | Regulating interstate commerce is a power reserved to the federal government | |
6828147 | Dred Scott 1857 | Outlawed Missouri Compromise. Denial of slavery was a 5th amendment property violation. Blacks were NOT citizens | |
6828148 | Plessy V Ferguson 1896 | Seperate but equal facilities based upon race is constitutional | |
6828149 | Schenk v. U.S. 1919 | Congress has the right to prohibit speech that causes a "clear and present danger" | |
6828150 | West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette (1943) | Students in public schools may not be compelled to recite the Pledge of Allegiance | |
6828151 | Korematsu v. U.S. | The court ruled that the ordering of Japanese=Americans into internment camps was constitutional | |
6828152 | Brown V Board 1954 | Segregation in SCHOOLS is a violation of the 14th amendment | |
6828153 | Mapp V Ohio | Established the exclusionary rule was applicable to the states (evidence seized illegally cannot be used in court) | |
6828154 | Engle V Vitale | Mandatory prayer in schools is a violation of the establishment clause | |
6828155 | Gideon V Wainright 1963 | If a defendant cannot afford an attorney the state must provide one | |
6828156 | Griswold V Connecticut | Established that there is an implied right to privacy in the U.S. Constitution | |
6828157 | Miranda V Arizona | The accused must be notified of their rights before being questioned by the police | |
6828158 | Tinker | Though they can be restricted, "students do not leave their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse door" | |
6828159 | Lemon V Kurtzman | Law must be clearly secular, not prohibiting or inhibiting religion, and there should be no excessive entanglement | |
6828160 | Roe V Wade 1973 | Abortion rights fall within the privacy implied in the 14th amendment | |
6828161 | U.S. V Nixon | "Executive privilege" is not unlimited | |
6828162 | Gregg V Georgia 1976 | Death penalty is not "cruel and unusual punishment" in cases of murder | |
6828163 | Regents of California V Bakke | Race can not be the only factor in college admissions, there can be no quotas. | |
6828164 | South Dakota V Dole | Federal government allowed to use spending power to influence state policy for the public wefare (drinking age went up in the states in order to get federal funding) | |
6828165 | Texas V Johnson 1984 | Flag burning is protected speech | |
6828166 | Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989) | States can place restrictions on abortions (viability tests, no use of public facilities for abortions, no counseling to have abortions) | |
6828167 | Clinton V Jones | A sitting president is not immune to civil litigation except in extraordinary circumstances | |
6828168 | Reno V ACLU 1996 | Federal law designed to prohibit "indecency" on the internet was unconstitutional | |
6828169 | Clinton V New York City 1997 | Ruled that the law granting the president the line item-veto was unconstitutional | |
6828170 | Bush V Gore 2001 | Hand-counting in Florida was a violation of Equal Protection clause, made George W. Bush the winner of the 2000 election | |
6828171 | Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) | Race can be used as a factor for admission into a public law school as long as the policy is "narrowly tailored" | |
6828172 | Kelo V New London 2005 | "Eminent Domain" may be used to take private property for the public good even if this means giving it to private developers | |
6829590 | Wesberry V Sanders | One person, one vote (in redistricting for federal elections, each congressional district was to be approximately the same) In Georgia, the 5th district had 3 to 4 times more people than did the other districts. | |
6829591 | Buckley V Valeo | Candidates can use as much of their own money on their own campaigns. | |
6829592 | Baker V Carr | One person one vote-state elections (Warren Court's judicial activism.) | |
6829593 | New York Times V Sullivan | Libel case-writer did it with intent to defame-knew it was false-wrote it with malicious intent. Public officials/figures have less privacy rights. | |
6849020 | Printz V United States 1997 | Using the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I as justification, Congress CAN NOT require state officials to regulate handgun purchases by performing those duties called for by the Brady Bill's handgun applicant background-checks? | |
6849021 | United States V Morrison 2000 | Congress DOES NOT have the authority to enact the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 under either the Commerce Clause or Fourteenth Amendment? | |
6849022 | Smith V Allright 1944 | Outlawed all white primaries | |
6850255 | U.S. Term Limits Inc. Thornton 1995 | States CAN NOT alter qualifications for the U.S. Congress that are specifically enumerated in the Constitution? | |
6890086 | Near V Minnesota | the 1931 Supreme Court decision holding that the first amendment protects newspapers from prior restraint. | |
6916666 | Miller V California | 1973 ruling that determined the obscenity clause to related to works that lack literary, artisitic, political or scientific value. (LAPS test) | |
6916667 | Palko v. Connecticut (1937) | Provided test for determining which parts of Bill of Rights should be applicable to the states - those which are fundamently necessary for liberty to exist. | |
6916668 | Epperson V Arkansas 1968 | Prohibited states from banning the teaching of evolution. | |
6916669 | Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1987) | More leeway for states in regulation abortion, though no overturning of Roe v. Wade. Upholds MO law prohibiting abortion in public hospitals; shift in composition of court. (Later cases allow 24-hour waiting periods, parental consent for minors, etc.) | |
6916670 | Shaw V Reno 1993 | NO racial gerrymandering; race cannot be the sole or predominant factor in redrawing legislative boundaries; majority-minority districts. | |
6916671 | U.S. Lopez 1995 | Gun Free School Zones Act exceeded Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce. | |
6916672 | Barron V Baltimore 1833 | Bill of Rights was NOT applicable to the states |