Scarlet Letter Essay
English [1]
Scarlet Letter [2]
Hester Prynne [3]
Brett Maxey Murray AP English 11 1 May 2012 Scarlet Letter Outline Introductory Paragraph Background of Puritan colonies and focus on religion purposes Women linked ot fall of mankind Consequence of The Fall linked to consequence of Hester?s sin Pearl What happens when we don?t confess our sin ? Dimmesdale Fellowship and compassion can be a saving grace from a terrible sin First Body Talk about men being superior to women ? Puritan frame of mind Ever since the fall of mankind ? Adam blamed Eve Abraham blamed Sarah David blamed Bathsheba All of the above?s respective consequences and Hester?s - Pearl Second Body Pearl Living proof of sin Blessing and a punishment from God Relate to Pearl of Greatest price in Matthew Man sold everything he had to gain the Pearl