Chapter 1- New World Beginnings
US History [1]
Delphanie Wu Hr.5 11/26/11 New World Beginnings (33,000 B.C.-1769 A.D.) Beginnings Recorded history of Western world began 6,000 YA Mid Easter people developed written culture The Shaping of North America 225 mil YA: Oceans and continents formed from large land mass Mt ranges formed by crust shifting and folding N Am-10 mil YA by Canadian Shield 2 mil YA: Great Ice Age-blankted parts of EU, Asia, and Americas glacier retreated 10,000 YA and left pre-sent day NAm Peopling the Americas Great Ice Age exposed land bridge between Eurasia and Nam evidence suggests nomadic Asian hunter immigrated for 250centuries 10,000 YA: Ice Age ended and nomads now stuck on isolated Americas ice melted and they wandered all the way to the tip of SAm