US History Notes
SEMESTER 2 Unit 1: Growth of big business in America led to- Better transportation Transcontinental railroad Steel Industries Iron ore that is heater 1859= Drakes Folly He drilled a hole in Titusville Pa and oil came out Oil at the time was used to make Kerosene which was used for lighting and heating Lazzie Faire- hands off by the government Samuel Clements (Mark Twain)- Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer Horratis Alger and Samuel Clements were both authors that lived at the same time Rockefeller- Believed in cutthroat competition Went from rags to riches Hard Worker Lived in Cleveland Started to make barrels for oil Came up with rebates Controls 90% of the oil Had a monopoly on oil Standard Oil is the name of his company now called exon Also a philanthropist Robber Barren