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American Federation of Labor

DBQ Thesis Statements

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2012 DBQ Exercise In the post-Civil War United States, corporations grew significantly in number, size and influence. Analyze the impact of big business on the economy and politics and the responses of Americans to these changes. Confine your answer to the period 1870 to 1900. 2012 DBQ Exercise The impact of big business on the economy and politics and the responses of Americans to these changes Confine your answer to the period 1870 to 1900. 2012 DBQ Thesis Statements

Chapter 17 - Brinkley 13th edition

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ChApTEr SevEnTeEn Labor Unions Knights of Labor Union Founded by U. Steven Made popular by Terrence Powderly Principles: Women, blacks and unskilled workers were allowed to participate; ?all-encompassing? Associated with violent acts, Haymarket Square Bombing led to the demise of the party Haymarket bombing caused rise in nativist sentiments because of allegations against two immigrants having plotted the bombing ?Molly Maguires? Highly militant, secret organization Operated in coal mining districts of Pennsylvania Organized primarily among Irish laborers Operated within Ancient Order of Hibernians American Federation of Labor (AFL) Organized among white, skilled workers Founded by Samuel F. Gompers Goals/Principles Remove women from the work force

Chapter 24 Test

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Chapter 24 Mark the one best answer for each of the following questions. 38. When private railroad promoters asked the United States government for subsidies to build their railroads, they gave all of the following reasons for their request except that it was a. too risky without government help. b. too costly without government help. c. too costly to move people in some areas without government help. d. too unprofitable in some areas without government help. e. impossible to serve military and postal needs without government help. 39. During the Gilded Age, most of the railroad barons a. rejected government assistance. b. built their railroads with government assistance. c. relied exclusively on Chinese labor. d. refused to get involved in politics.

History from 1877-1900

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1877-1900 Highlights of Chapters 17, 18, & 19 Major themes: The expansion of industrial capitalism & labor in the Age of Enterprise the changing industrial city immigration, factories, & the political machine The Gilded Age Industrial Capitalism Triumphant: early factories produced consumer goods and then gradually, capital goods began to drive America?s industrial economy during this ?Age of Steel,? the Age of Invention, or the Machine Age steel making was revolutionized: the Bessemer process (Henry Bessemer)--the process of refining raw pig iron & making steel; Andrew Carnegie was the first American to fully exploit Bessemer?s invention by erecting a steel mill outside Pittsburgh, PA

euro 23

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Chapter 23 The Mass Society in an ?Age of Progress,? 1871-1894 The Growth of Industrial Prosperity New Products First major change in industrial development after 1870 was the substitution of steel for iron. Great Britain fell behind Germany in steel production Great Britain also fell behind in the new chemical industry. By 1910: power stations and plants districts tide to single power distribution systems commons source of power for homes, shops, industrial enterprises Thomas Edison: invention of lightbulb Joseph Swan: opened homes and cities to illumination by electric lights Alexander Graham Bell: 1876: invented telephone Guglielmo Marconi: 1901: sent first radio waves across the Atlantic 1897: invention of oil-fired engion 1902: used by Hamburg-Amerika Line ocean liners

business and labor vocabulary

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Business and Labor: The Gilded Age (1865-1900) & Progressivism and Populism (1900-1920) 168. Andrew Carnegie: achieved an abnormal rise in class system(steel industry), pioneered vertical integration (controlled Mesabie Range to ship ore to Pittsburgh), opposed monopolies, used?partnership of steel tycoons (Henry Clay Frick?as a manager/partner), Bessemer steel process 169. Standard Oil Trust: small oil companies sold stock and authority to Rockefeller?s Standard Oil Company (consolidation), cornered world petroleum market 170. John D. Rockefeller: Standard Oil Company, ruthless business tactics (survival of the fittest)


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1302 Study Guide Chapter 18 1 J. P. Morgan Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor Vertical Integration Horizontal Integration Pullman Strike Homestead Strike Haymarket Riot Thomas Edison Nikola Tesla Edwin Drake Alexander Graham Bell Samuel Gompers Bessemer Process
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A People and a Nation Chapter 18 Study Guide

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The Incandescent Light Bulb Invented by Thomas Edison in 1878 Provided a cheap, inefficient means of indoor lighting Used a vacuum and tungsten wire to prevent the filament from burning when an electric current passed through it Edison also devised a system of power generation and distribution improved dynamo and parallel circuit of wires provided electricity conveniently to a large number of customers Edison acted as his own publicist in 1880 at Christmas Edison illuminated Menlo Park with 40 incandescent bulbs in 1882 he built a power plant that could light 85 buildings in Wall Street Led to a boom in the electrical industry The Theory of Scientific Management attempted to increase production by timing workers? tasks and suggest ways to speed up their performance

US History Notes

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SEMESTER 2 Unit 1: Growth of big business in America led to- Better transportation Transcontinental railroad Steel Industries Iron ore that is heater 1859= Drakes Folly He drilled a hole in Titusville Pa and oil came out Oil at the time was used to make Kerosene which was used for lighting and heating Lazzie Faire- hands off by the government Samuel Clements (Mark Twain)- Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer Horratis Alger and Samuel Clements were both authors that lived at the same time Rockefeller- Believed in cutthroat competition Went from rags to riches Hard Worker Lived in Cleveland Started to make barrels for oil Came up with rebates Controls 90% of the oil Had a monopoly on oil Standard Oil is the name of his company now called exon Also a philanthropist Robber Barren

HIstory Notes

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Chapter 25 Notes Rockefeller Grows an American Beauty Rose -Kerosene was the first major product of the oil industry. But, the invention of the light bulb rendered kerosene obsolete. - By 1900, the gasoline-burning internal combustion engine had beaten out its rivals as the primary means of automobile propulsion. The birth of the automobile gave a great lift to the oil industry. -John D. Rockefeller organized the Standard Oil Company of Ohio in 1870, attempting to eliminate the middlemen and knock out his competitors. By 1877, he controlled 95% of all the oil refineries in the nation. -Rockefeller grew to such a great power by eliminating his competitors.
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