Calculus [1]
united states [2]
War [3]
Military history [6]
USS Chesapeake [10]
Battle of Lake Erie [11]
Treaty of Ghent [12]
Battle of York [13]
Key Events & Causes: War of 1812 Event Date Location Significance Napolean excludes British goods from "fortress Europe" 1806 Europe American ships caught in middle as British respond with blockade. British seize 1000 U.S. ships, French ca. 500. British impress American sailors 1803-1812 High seas British captains took over 10,000 American citizens to man ships. Chesapeake -Leopard fight June 1807 3 miles off Norfolk, Virginia Chesapeake fired on by Leopard after refusing to be boarded. 3 Americans killed, 18 wounded. Embargo Act December 1807 Washington, D.C. Jefferson's attempt at "peaceful coercion" resulted in economic disaster for merchants. War Hawks elected to Congress 1810 U.S.