Chapter 6 Voc.
World History [1]
Islam [2]
Middle East [3]
religion [4]
Sahabah [5]
Arab people [6]
Rashidun [7]
Sharia [8]
Quraish [9]
Umayyad Caliphate [10]
Caliph [11]
Muhammad [12]
Ali [13]
Chapter 6 The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of Islam I. Introduction A. Before 7th century ? contacts, but not total control of ancient world under one empire 1. Arabia ? nomadic land on periphery of major civilizations B. 7th century ? followers of Islam ?submission? ? Muslims ? Allah ? one God 1. Began conquest and conversion 2. Within decades, Muhammad had empire of Persia, Greece and Egypt C. Later empire spread 1. Merchants, mystics, warriors 2. Empire expanded a. Africa, Asia, southern Europe b. Across steppes to central Asia, western China, south Asia c. Across ocean trade routes to southeast Asia and eastern Africa d. Across overland trade routes, Sahara to western Africa