Chapter 9 Voc.
World History [1]
Europe [2]
Humanities [3]
christianity [4]
Kievan Rus' [5]
Byzantine Empire [6]
Constantinople [7]
Justinian I [8]
Greeks [9]
Crusades [11]
Early Middle Ages [12]
religion [14]
Chapter 9 Civilization in Eastern Europe: Byzantium and Orthodox Europe I. Introduction A. Two major civilizations 1. Byzantine ? Orthodox Christianity a. Maintained high level of political, economic, cultural life b. Leaders saw selves as Roman Emperors c. Empire lasted for 1000 years until Turkish invaders d. Constantinople ? most opulent, important city in Europe e. Spread civilization to previously uncivilized areas i. Russia, Balkans ii. Russia inherits empire from Byzantine 2. West ? Catholicism B. Similarities 1. Both influenced by Islam 2. Both civilizations spread northward 3. Polytheism gave way to monotheism a. Some syncretism ? old religious beliefs maintained 4. Northern areas struggled for political definition