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Kievan Rus'

Chapter 10 The Earth and Its People

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Chapter 10 Christian Europe Emerges 300-1200 C.E. Early Medieval Europe, 300?1000 Time of Insecurity Roman Empire breaks down Western Europe continued to suffer invasions Muslim Arabs and Berbers took the Iberian Peninsula and pushed into France Carolingians Family of Rulers In the eighth century the Carolingians united various Frankish kingdoms into a larger empire At its height, under Charlemagne, the empire included Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy The empire was subdivided by Charlemagne's grandsons and never united again. Vikings Vikings attacked England, France, and Spain in the late eighth and ninth centuries Vikings also settled Iceland and Normandy, from which the Norman William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066. A Self-Sufficient Economy


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CIVILIZATION: Russia (600-1450) Time Period: 600-1450CE Geographic Description: -Dneiper River flows North to South into the Black Sea which provided interaction with Constantinople; Kiev (early center of Russia- now Ukraine)developed along the river to the north as a major trading city -lands surrounding Dneiper and Kiev are a bread basket -tundra to the north -Ural Mountains (old and not very high serve as the East divide between Europe and Asia -Russia?s topography is relatively flat because it is located along the Eurasian Plain P -Early Russia borrowed heavily from Constantinople (Byzantine Empire) -the Cyrillic Alphabet was made when the Bible was translated into Slavic Languages; adopted from the Greek alphabet that the Byzantine Empire used

The Commonwealth of Byzantium

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Kinberg, Nicholas Michael Chakmakian AP World History 19 July 2015 Chapter 13 Outline Postclassic. Era, 500 ? 1000 East Mediterranean survived as Byzantine empire, only empire thatoutlasted classic. Southwest Asia, Arabs inspired by Islam overcame Sasanid empire China, Sui/Tang dynasties restored authority India, authority devolved into regional kingdoms West Euro, rule returned during 8th/9thunder Carolingian empire Econ. Difficulties/invasions brought it down: led to decentralized west Euro Postclassic. Was time of econ. Growth in east hemisphere Trade increased, manufacturers produced goods just for export Increased trade facilitated bio., tech, commercial exchanges: crops migrated, improved irrigation/farming spread in Eurasia

The Earth and its Peoples: 5th Edition - Chapter 9 Notes

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Chapter 9 Notes Christian Societies Emerge in Europe, 600-1200 Chapter Outline Charlemagne was Charles the Great, the first emperor of the Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire = Eastern Roman Empire medieval literally means middle age The Byzantine Empire, 600-1200 An Empire Beleaguered Arab armies invaded the Byzantine Empire Religious schism between Latin and Orthodox Churches Society and Urban Life Urban decline happened as urban trade centers disintegrated. As the urban elite died off, the rural farmers survived. This led to a land based ruling system called feudalism. Cultural Achievements Cryllic writing was a Byzantine achievement used by Slavic Christians Byzantine missionaries spread it all throughout eastern Europe

Persia Chart 7 Russia

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CIVILIZATION: Russia (600-1450) Time Period: 600-1450CE Geographic Description: -Dneiper River flows North to South into the Black Sea which provided interaction with Constantinople; Kiev (early center of Russia- now Ukraine)developed along the river to the north as a major trading city -lands surrounding Dneiper and Kiev are a bread basket -tundra to the north -Ural Mountains (old and not very high serve as the East divide between Europe and Asia -Russia?s topography is relatively flat because it is located along the Eurasian Plain P -Early Russia borrowed heavily from Constantinople (Byzantine Empire) -the Cyrillic Alphabet was made when the Bible was translated into Slavic Languages; adopted from the Greek alphabet that the Byzantine Empire used

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Civilization in Eastern Europe: Byzantium and Orthodox Europe I. Introduction A. Two major civilizations 1. Byzantine ? Orthodox Christianity a. Maintained high level of political, economic, cultural life b. Leaders saw selves as Roman Emperors c. Empire lasted for 1000 years until Turkish invaders d. Constantinople ? most opulent, important city in Europe e. Spread civilization to previously uncivilized areas i. Russia, Balkans ii. Russia inherits empire from Byzantine 2. West ? Catholicism B. Similarities 1. Both influenced by Islam 2. Both civilizations spread northward 3. Polytheism gave way to monotheism a. Some syncretism ? old religious beliefs maintained 4. Northern areas struggled for political definition

Chapter 9 Voc.

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Chapter 9 Civilization in Eastern Europe: Byzantium and Orthodox Europe I. Introduction A. Two major civilizations 1. Byzantine ? Orthodox Christianity a. Maintained high level of political, economic, cultural life b. Leaders saw selves as Roman Emperors c. Empire lasted for 1000 years until Turkish invaders d. Constantinople ? most opulent, important city in Europe e. Spread civilization to previously uncivilized areas i. Russia, Balkans ii. Russia inherits empire from Byzantine 2. West ? Catholicism B. Similarities 1. Both influenced by Islam 2. Both civilizations spread northward 3. Polytheism gave way to monotheism a. Some syncretism ? old religious beliefs maintained 4. Northern areas struggled for political definition


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CHAPTER9: CIVILIZATION IN EASTERN EUROPE: BYZANTIUM AND ORTHODOX EUROPE Pp. 192-211 I. OVERVIEW A. Political 1. Divine Kingship Under Emperors a. Constantine i. Moved capitol of eastern part of Rome to area called Byzantium and named it after himself b. Justinian (Byzantine) i. Responsible for advances in architecture, rebuilding of Constantinople, and legal code of law c. Empress Theodora and Zo? i. Co-empresses placed on throne by rebels, estranged sisters d. Rurik (Kiev Rus?) i. Native of Denmark as first prince of Kiev Rus? e. Vladimir (Kiev Rus?) i. Converted all his people to Eastern Orthodox Christianity by force 2. Bureaucracy


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AP* EDITION|THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLE: A GLOBAL HISTORY CHAPTER 9 Larger Concept Section Review Vocabulary Terms Details THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE, 600-1200 An Empire Beleaguered -Unlike the Western Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire retained its unity and became the Byzantine Empire, headed by an emperor who held both political and religious power -A schism split the Orthodox Church from the Catholic Church in the west Charlemagne-King of the Franks (r. 768-814); emperor (r. 800-814) Medieval-literally ?middle age,? a term that historians of Europe use for the period ca. 500 to ca. 1500 Byzantine Empire-historians? name for the eastern portion of the Roman Empire from the fourth century onward
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