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Decline of Empires

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Harden 1 Indigo Harden Mrs. Madden AP World History September 17, 2014 The Declines of the Roman Empire and the Han Empire The Roman Empire and the Han Empire were two of the most powerful and influential civilizations to ever exist. Despite their sturdiness, these empires did not last forever. The declines of the Roman Empire and the Han Empire were severe and had irreversible effects. Both empires ended due to several political, economic, and military factors. Their declines were also different in various ways.

Chapter 10 The Earth and Its People

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Chapter 10 Christian Europe Emerges 300-1200 C.E. Early Medieval Europe, 300?1000 Time of Insecurity Roman Empire breaks down Western Europe continued to suffer invasions Muslim Arabs and Berbers took the Iberian Peninsula and pushed into France Carolingians Family of Rulers In the eighth century the Carolingians united various Frankish kingdoms into a larger empire At its height, under Charlemagne, the empire included Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy The empire was subdivided by Charlemagne's grandsons and never united again. Vikings Vikings attacked England, France, and Spain in the late eighth and ninth centuries Vikings also settled Iceland and Normandy, from which the Norman William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066. A Self-Sufficient Economy

Chapter 6 The Earth and Its People

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Chapter 6 Outline ? An Age of Empires: Rome and Han China, 753 B.C.E.?330 C.E. An Age of Empires: Rome and Han China, 753 b.c.e.?330 c.e. I. Rome?s Creation of a Mediterranean Empire, 753 b.c.e.?330 c.e. Geography and Resources Italy and Sicily are at a crossroads of the Mediterranean and serve as a link between Africa and Europe. Rome is at a crossroads of the Italian peninsula. Italy?s natural resources included navigable rivers, forests, iron, a mild climate, and enough arable land to support a large population of farmers whose surplus product and labor could be exploited by the Roman state. A Republic of Farmers, 753?31 b.c.e.

The Rise of Rome before its Fall

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Week 8: The Rise of Rome before its Fall Happy #kateenth Birthday!! #allhailthesunking ? Avinash?s stomach #redbeanmunbuns #enterHsiftacendatOCCC The Rise of the Imperial Eagle Julius Caesar: allegedly descendant of Trojan prince Aeneas Birth: July 12 or 13, 100 B.C.E. Marked beginning of new chapter of Roman history Beginning of Rome?s world domination Hailed from Roman aristocrats Father: Gaius Caesar; died when Caesar was 16 Remained close to his mother, Aurelia Rome of Caesar?s youth was very unstable Element of disorder ruled the Republic Republic discredited its nobility Seemed unable to handle its size and influence Around time of his father?s death, Caesar sided with the nobility Married Cornelia, the daughter of a noble Angered Rome?s dictator, Sulla

Nation State Emerges

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The Nation State Emerges Q1: Why?s? Why would nation state emerge at this time? Crisis in 17th/c: -little ice age -popular revolts -witch craft is up -price revolution (inflation of prices) -higher taxes: (esp. on ordinary who can?t fight back so hardest hit) #1 Crisis: RELIGIOUS WAR French civil wars Spanish in Netherlands THIRTY YEARS WAR Hurts: reputation of? power of church (weakens, not nearly as much power) and State power?look to strongest power possible, central?now state. -People give up person freedom for safety?more power to state Nature of 30 Years War (first world war) Idea? It?s complicated? Who became involved? France Bohemia (German city states) Sweden Denmark Spain Netherlands (Dutch) Motives?over what? Religious motivates (religious spark)

Ap Wh Ch 19-21

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APWH Ch. 20-22 Test Review Ch. 20 In the late 1200s, Marco Polo visited the court of Khubilai Khan Chaghatai Khan Chinggis Khan Hung Wu In 962 C.E., Pope John XII presented the imperial crown to Charlemagne Hugh Capet Otto of Saxony William of Normandy In the High Middle Ages, the state that seemed to have the most potential to re-create centralized, imperial rule was France Spain The Holy Roman Empire England The single biggest obstacle to the rise of a powerful Holy Roman Empire was Continual invasions by the French The reoccurring appearance of epidemic diseases Occasional invasions from the Huns An ongoing conflict with the papacy The quip that the Holy Roman Empire was, "neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire," is attributed to Voltaire Pope Gregory VII
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