Psychology [1]
Behaviorism [2]
behavior [3]
learning [4]
Mind [6]
Reinforcement [8]
Extinction [10]
Shaping [11]
Stimulus control [12]
Neutral stimulus [13]
Grant Clay Period 3 9/27/08 AP Psychology Outline Chapter 6: Learning Red ? Definition Blue - Important Points Green - Important People & Contributions Learning ? Any relatively durable Change in Behavior or Knowledge that is due to Experience. Conditioning ? Learning Associations between events that occur in an Organisms Environment. Classical Conditioning Phobias ? Irrational Fears of specific Objects or Situations. Classical Conditioning ? Type of Learning in which a Stimulus acquires the Capacity to Evoke a Response that was originally evoked by another Stimulus. Ivan Pavlov Pavlovian Conditioning Pavlov?s Dogs ? Prior to Dogs being Fed Meat, a Clicking Noise Occurred. Dogs started Salivating After awhile when the Click Occurred, prior to the Meat being given.