Human Geo ch. 10
Human Geography [1]
agriculture [2]
Land management [3]
Environment [4]
Agroecology [6]
crops [8]
Organic farming [10]
Food security [11]
Crop rotation [12]
Tillage [13]
Isaiah Bennett P.1 4/9/2013 Ch.10 K.I 4 I Challenges for Commercial Farmers Commercial farmers are in some ways victims of their own success Government subsides help prop op farm income, but many believe that the future health of commercial farming rests with embracing more sustainable practices Importance of Access to Markets The purpose of commercial farmers to sell produce off the farm the distance from the farm to the market. Von Thenen based his general model of the spatial arrangement of different crops on his experience as a owner of a large estate. Overproduction in Commercial Farming Commercial farming suffer from low incomes because they are capable of production