Circular Motion Questions
Physics [1]
Physics [2]
Rotation [3]
Force [4]
Mechanics [6]
Fictitious force [8]
Acceleration [10]
Centripetal force [11]
Pendulum [12]
Circular motion [13]
Name ____________________ Date ___________?Mr. Carcich Physics 2D Motion Short Answers 1) Distinguish between rotation and revolution. Using the earth, provide an example of each. 2) Distinguish between rotational and tangential speed. What is their relationship? 3) If you are on the center of a merry-go-round, and you walk toward the outer edge, how does your rotational speed change? Your tangential speed? 4) When you whirl a can at the end of a string in a circular path, what is the direction of the force that acts on the can? 5) Does an object undergoing uniform circular motion accelerate? Why? 6) When a car makes a turn, do seat belts provide you with a centripetal force or centrifugal force?