guide 7
World History [1]
Ancient history [2]
Humanities [4]
City-states [6]
Polis [7]
Trireme [8]
Histories [10]
Socrates [11]
Tyrant [12]
Name: __________________________ Chapter 5 Study Guide How did irrigation help the Persian Empire? What was the family organization and social structure of Persia? What were the duties of a satrap? How did a satrap receive his position? How did the beliefs of Zoroastrianism differ from other major religions during this time period? What is a polis? How did each polis react to each other? What two political systems emerged after the end of tyrants? What is the difference between the two? Who was Herodotus? What did his book, Histories, focus on? How were the city-states, Athens and Sparta, different? What event began the classical period of Greece? How did naval technology transform Greek warfare?