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Ancient history

Cerritos high school ap world history hw 2015

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WHAP (World History AP) Summer Assignment - 2015 Mr. M. Armstrong, Mr. D. Toyama If you need the text to complete the summer assignment, the library will be checking-out AP textbooks on June 28th from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Students MUST have ID card to check the book out. Books WILL NOT be issued without ID card. 1) The text for the class will be: Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, 5th Edition by Bentley, Jerry; Ziegler, Herbert Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education Copyright Year: 2011 Print ISBN-10: 0-07-338564-6 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338564-8 If you wish to purchase the text, try the following. Amazon.com Yahoo Shopping Half.com Nextag.com ecampus.com alibris.com

CCOT Essay Packet

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Name: ___________________________________ Period: __________ Date: _____________ CHANGE AND CONTINUITY ESSAY PACKET UNDERSTANDING WORDS This essay asks students to access how larger global issues and themes such as gender, trade, technology, and environment have changed and remained the same. If any one essay will give students difficulties, it is likely that this essay will. Students will not only have to identify areas of change, but also areas of continuity across chronological periods, and will have to compare two or more chronological periods within one geographic area. Students will all have the same prompt but will be able to choose between different geographic regions to answer the question.

The Earth And Its Peoples, 3rd Edition Vocabulary Flashcards for Chapters 1-3

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Agricultural Revolution The change from food- gathering to food production that occurred between 8000 and 2000 BCE Akhenaten ruled Egypt from 1353-1335 BCE; created a religious revelution by imposing worship of the sun-disk god; built a new capital at Amarna Amulets Small charms meant to protect the bearer from evil Babylon Largest and most important city in Mesopotamia; capital of Amorite king Hammurabi Carthage founded by the Phoenicians; became a major commercial center and naval power in the western Mediterranean until defeated by Rome in 300 BCE Chavin first major urban civilization in South America City-state Self-governing urban center and the agricultural territories it controlled Civilization Term used to denote more

Crash Course 8

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #8 TOPIC/TITLE: Alexander the Great NAME: Casey Murphy PERIOD: 2W LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes *Alexander was born in 356 BCE and died in 323 BCE *When he was 13 years old he tamed a horse no one else could, which impressed his father, Phillip II, and he never lost a battle. b) In the middle *He was good at conquering other nations, but not good at building his own empire and after he died his kingdom split into 3 Hellenistic Kingdoms. *Alexander spread the language of Greek throughout his conquered kingdom. c) In the last 3-4 minutes *Pompey of Rome worshiped Alexander after his death *Pompey tried to immolate Alexander?s hair style.

Sui Civ Profile

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Master CIVILIZATION PROFILE NAME: _________________________ CLASS: ________ *Complete the profile for the assigned civilization. Use your textbook or the internet if necessary (reliable sources only) *You do not need to use complete sentences, but address ALL questions for each category, and explain yourself when asked CIVILIZATION LOCATION (Include REGION) DATES in EXISTENCE: CITIES List at least 3, including the capital or center of the civilization GOVERNMENT Include the type & who was in charge RELIGION List the main religion(s) & God(s) Polytheistic/monotheistic? Secular/non-secular? JOB SPECIALIZATION List 3-5 jobs unique or especially important to their civilization SOCIAL CLASSES Describe/include class names What were they based on?

Song Civ Profile

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Master CIVILIZATION PROFILE NAME: _________________________ CLASS: ________ *Complete the profile for the assigned civilization. Use your textbook or the internet if necessary (reliable sources only) *You do not need to use complete sentences, but address ALL questions for each category, and explain yourself when asked CIVILIZATION LOCATION (Include REGION) DATES in EXISTENCE: CITIES List at least 3, including the capital or center of the civilization GOVERNMENT Include the type & who was in charge RELIGION List the main religion(s) & God(s) Polytheistic/monotheistic? Secular/non-secular? JOB SPECIALIZATION List 3-5 jobs unique or especially important to their civilization SOCIAL CLASSES Describe/include class names What were they based on?

Tang Civ Profile

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Master CIVILIZATION PROFILE NAME: _________________________ CLASS: ________ *Complete the profile for the assigned civilization. Use your textbook or the internet if necessary (reliable sources only) *You do not need to use complete sentences, but address ALL questions for each category, and explain yourself when asked CIVILIZATION LOCATION (Include REGION) DATES in EXISTENCE: CITIES List at least 3, including the capital or center of the civilization GOVERNMENT Include the type & who was in charge RELIGION List the main religion(s) & God(s) Polytheistic/monotheistic? Secular/non-secular? JOB SPECIALIZATION List 3-5 jobs unique or especially important to their civilization SOCIAL CLASSES Describe/include class names What were they based on?

Byzantine Civ Profile

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Master CIVILIZATION PROFILE NAME: _________________________ CLASS: ________ *Complete the profile for the assigned civilization. Use your textbook or the internet if necessary (reliable sources only) *You do not need to use complete sentences, but address ALL questions for each category, and explain yourself when asked CIVILIZATION LOCATION (Include REGION) DATES in EXISTENCE: CITIES List at least 3, including the capital or center of the civilization GOVERNMENT Include the type & who was in charge RELIGION List the main religion(s) & God(s) Polytheistic/monotheistic? Secular/non-secular? JOB SPECIALIZATION List 3-5 jobs unique or especially important to their civilization SOCIAL CLASSES Describe/include class names What were they based on?

guide 7

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Name: __________________________ Chapter 5 Study Guide How did irrigation help the Persian Empire? What was the family organization and social structure of Persia? What were the duties of a satrap? How did a satrap receive his position? How did the beliefs of Zoroastrianism differ from other major religions during this time period? What is a polis? How did each polis react to each other? What two political systems emerged after the end of tyrants? What is the difference between the two? Who was Herodotus? What did his book, Histories, focus on? How were the city-states, Athens and Sparta, different? What event began the classical period of Greece? How did naval technology transform Greek warfare?


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Name: __________________________ Chapter 5 Study Guide How did irrigation help the Persian Empire? What was the family organization and social structure of Persia? What were the duties of a satrap? How did a satrap receive his position? How did the beliefs of Zoroastrianism differ from other major religions during this time period? What is a polis? How did each polis react to each other? What two political systems emerged after the end of tyrants? What is the difference between the two? Who was Herodotus? What did his book, Histories, focus on? How were the city-states, Athens and Sparta, different? What event began the classical period of Greece? How did naval technology transform Greek warfare?


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