2003 AP MC
Calculus [1]
Mathematics [3]
Calculus [6]
logarithms [7]
derivative [8]
Function [9]
Taylor series [11]
integral [13]
Technology [14]
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? M AREA - COMPLETE THIS AREA AT EVERY EXAMINATION. ~The AP"'ADVANCEDTo maintain lhe security 01 lhe exam and the vaftdily 01 my AP grade, I will allow no one other than myseff to see the multiple-ohoice queslicns and wiD seal the appropriate section when asked to do so. t will not discuss these questions .. .. College PLACEMENT PLACE AN AP ? NUMBER LABEL _ Board PROGRAM" Iwith anyone at any time after the completion of the multipl_ section. I em awam 01 and agree 10 the Program'. ~ policies and procecilJteS as outlined in the 2003 Buffetin for AP Stt.tdImts and Parents. OR WRITE YOUR AP NUMBER Answer Sheet for May 2003, Form 3ZBP HERE AT EVERY EXAMINATION. PAGE 1 ,...,. W Plintexamination name:.______________________