American Pagent Chapter 5 Rough Notes
US History [1]
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ben Nichols? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Notes? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? AP History Cp 5?? ~Canada, the Flordias and caribbean islands were part of the ?13? colonies only they didn?t revolt for they were wealthier than the others so they didn?t have as much reason to.? ~More immigrants came to the colonies which brought more diversity to each of them.? ~In the 1730s New York and Philadelphia built houses for the poor to live in.? ~People who were poor had to put a P on their clothing for public charity.? ~People involved in the church were still the most respected during the 1700s? ~Doctors weren?t very well trained? ~Slander is spoken, libel is written? ~Seditious libel, the chance that something could happen.?