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American Pagent Chapter 5 Rough Notes

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ben Nichols? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Notes? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? AP History Cp 5?? ~Canada, the Flordias and caribbean islands were part of the ?13? colonies only they didn?t revolt for they were wealthier than the others so they didn?t have as much reason to.? ~More immigrants came to the colonies which brought more diversity to each of them.? ~In the 1730s New York and Philadelphia built houses for the poor to live in.? ~People who were poor had to put a P on their clothing for public charity.? ~People involved in the church were still the most respected during the 1700s? ~Doctors weren?t very well trained? ~Slander is spoken, libel is written? ~Seditious libel, the chance that something could happen.?

cj 435 the looming tower ch 9

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THE LOOMING TOWER AL-QAEDA AND THE ROAD TO 9/11 CH. 9 THE SILICON VALLEY The Blind Sheikh His followers, living in a neighborhood known as Little Egypt in Jersey City, conspired to bring the World Trade Center towers down. He issued a fatwa in America that permitted his followers to rob banks and kill Jews. He called on Muslims to assail the West, ?cut the transportation of their countries, tear it apart, destroy their economy, burn their companies, eliminate their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them on the sea, air, or land.? bin Laden was financially backing his efforts. Ramzi Yousef Bombed the WTC in 1993 He was the first Islamist terrorist to attack the American homeland

cj 435

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THE LOOMING TOWERAL-QAEDA AND THE ROAD TO 9/11 CH. 10 PARADISE LOST Training for terrorism Young men from all over came to Khartoum to train for al-Qaeda. Their motivations varied, but they had in common a belief that Islam (pure and primitive, unmitigated by modernity and uncompromised by politics) would cure the wounds that socialism or Arab nationalism had failed to heal. bin Laden?s main task was to direct them toward a common enemy. ?America the weak? bin Laden told the al-Qaeda recruits that though America appeared so mighty, it was actually weak and cowardly. For all its wealth and resources, America lacks conviction. Tall tales Al-Qaeda was not actually responsible for many of the feats that bin Laden gave them credit for.


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Alleviate Overcrowding America?s federal prisons are in trouble. They?re so crowded they?re endangering the lives of inmates and?corrections officers, the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Charles Samuels Jr.,?testified at a Senate hearing?on Wednesday. And the immense cost of confining so many people is draining vital resources from from other public safety endeavors, includinginvestigations and prosecutions. Politicians across the political spectrum, from Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) to Rand Paul (R-Ky.), increasingly agree that something has to be done. Send fewer people to prison for?drug crimes. The problem:?There are 219,000 inmates in the federal prisons system -- compared with 25,000 in 1980. About half are there for drug offenses.


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Topic & Thesis Statement October 13, 2012 Thesis: The advancements in technology are allowing cyber predators to find their targets too easily. The cyber predators are seducing innocent children and stripping them of their safety. Parents need to protect their children by monitoring their online activity. New laws need to be created to stop these predators from getting out of prisons. They should not be let free to go and hurt a child again. Laws such as the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act of 2006, and Keeping Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators Act of 2008, help to keep tabs on the predators after they are released from prison. More laws and policies need to be enacted to protect the innocent children that are getting manipulated by these monsters.
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