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A World without Walls: Globalization and the West

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Kinberg, Nicholas Michael Chakmakian AP European History 9 June 2015 Chapter 19 Outline Globalization/West Internet, protests against World Trade Organization, outsourcing ofjobs/services, Walmart in Mexico, dismantling of Berlin wall Attack on World Trade Center in 2001 gaveglobalizationnew meaning Shattered Americans? sense of isolation/security Globalization is integration Process of creating networks; new tech, econ., laws made it faster Globalization=/=internationalization Internat?l relations are est. between nation-states; global exchange is indep. Of nat?l ctrl.: trade, politics, cultural exchange happen outside ctrl. Of nation-state Asia emerged as industrial giant/West became dep. On nrg drawn from former colonies

cj 435 the origins of modern terrorism

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The Origins of Modern Terrorism Block 2 Modern Democracies and the Birth of Terrorism in the West How Modern Terrorism Evolved EVENT French Revolution, 1789 European Street Revolutions, 1848 People?s Will, 1878 Russian Revolutions (1917) Black and Tan War, 1919-1921 EFFECT The Govt?s. Reign of Terror Conservatives call radicals, ?Terrorists? Revolutionaries use terrorist tactics Leaders endorse terrorism Irish win with Russian tactics Modern Democracies and the Birth of Terrorism in the West The French Revolution provided the first revolution in the modern sense of the word, that is, power was transferred from one class to another. The term terrorism also appeared during this period Modern Democracies and the Birth of Terrorism in the West

cj 435 the looming tower ch 8

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THE LOOMING TOWER AL-QAEDA AND THE ROAD TO 9/11 CH. 8 PARADISE Hasan al-Turabi Staged a military coup d?etat against the civilian, democratic gov?t of Sudan in 1989. He attributed the failures of the Arab world to the fact that its gov?ts were insufficiently Islamic and too dependent on the West. He envisioned the creation of an international Muslim community, the ummah, headquartered in Sudan, which would then spill into other countries, carrying out the Islamist revolution in and ever-widening circle. Sudan and bin Laden The government of Sudan was eager to have bin Laden live and work in their country. They sent him a letter of invitation, followed by having several members of the Sudanese intelligence service meet with him.

cj 435 the looming tower ch 7

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THE LOOMING TOWER AL-QAEDA AND THE ROAD TO 9/11 CH. 7 RETURN OF THE HERO The Muttawa Government subsidized religious vigilantes Their goal was to stamp out sinfulness and heresy They were officially known as ?representatives of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice? They became the models for the Taliban in Afghanistan The Hero bin Laden assumed the role of the hero who could voice a longing for change and provide a focus for the rage of the young people. He offered a conventional, Muslim Brothers critique of the plight of the Arab World: The West, particularly the U.S. was responsible for the humiliating failure of the Arabs to succeed. After describing the American/Vietnam conflict he stated: ?They won?t stop until we do jihad against them.?

cj 435 the looming tower ch 2

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THE LOOMING TOWER AL- QAEDA AND THE ROAD TO 9/11 CHAPTER 2 Ayman al- Zawahiri Goal in life: to put Qutb?s vision into action At age 15, he formed an underground cell devoted to overthrowing the government and establishing an Islamist state. 1967 war with Israel Israel captured all of the Sinai, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Golan Heights It crushed the forces of the frontline Arab states This was a psychological turning point in the history of the modern Middle East War continued? Muslims not only lost their armies and their territories, but also their faith in their leaders, their countries, and in themselves. They began to say that God had turned against the Muslims The only way back to Him was to return to the pure religion: Islam is the solution Zawahiri?s goals

cj 435 the looming tower ch 1

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THE LOOMING TOWER AL-QAEDA AND THE ROAD TO 9/11 PROLOGUE - CHAPTER 1 1990?s Dan Coleman- FBI Middle Eastern Terrorism Squad FBI- regarded terrorism as a nuisance, not a real threat 1993- FBI first heard of a ?Saudi Prince? who was supporting a cell of radical Islamists who were planning to blow up NY landmarks 1990?s 1996- Dan Coleman uses CIA?s 35 volumes of information to open an intelligence case on the ?Islamist Financier,? bin Laden, ?in case he turned out to be something more than that? bin Laden August 1996- declares war on America (from a cave in Afghanistan) Reason: the continued presence of U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia five years after the first Gulf War bin Laden

cj 435

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THE LOOMING TOWERAL-QAEDA AND THE ROAD TO 9/11 CH. 10 PARADISE LOST Training for terrorism Young men from all over came to Khartoum to train for al-Qaeda. Their motivations varied, but they had in common a belief that Islam (pure and primitive, unmitigated by modernity and uncompromised by politics) would cure the wounds that socialism or Arab nationalism had failed to heal. bin Laden?s main task was to direct them toward a common enemy. ?America the weak? bin Laden told the al-Qaeda recruits that though America appeared so mighty, it was actually weak and cowardly. For all its wealth and resources, America lacks conviction. Tall tales Al-Qaeda was not actually responsible for many of the feats that bin Laden gave them credit for.

predisdents war power

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Maria Aguirre Professor Nejad June 4, 2014 President?s War Powers Article II, Section 2, of the United States Constitution, vests the president with the commander in chief power. The article reads as follows: "The president shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States." The Constitution gives the president the military's commander in chief power; however Article I, Section 8, Clause 11, gives the U.S. Congress and not the president the exclusive right to?declare war. Congress has the power to determine if the country will wage offensive war and against whom. Once that decision is made, the President is in charge of waging that war.

AP Human Geo Key Issue #4 Religion

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Alana Pearce December 4, 2013 Human Geography, Period 1 Mr. Whitefield Summary of Chapter 6, Key Issue 4: Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups? The element of cultural diversity that has led to conflict in many localities in religion. The attempt by intense adherents of one religion to organize Earth?s surface can conflict with the spatial expression of other religious or nonreligious ideas. Religion versus Government Policies: Religious groups may oppose government policies seen as promoting social change conflicting with traditional religious values. The role of religion in organizing earth?s surface has diminished in some societies because of political and economic change.
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