The Americas in the Age of Independence
World History [1]
Kinberg, Nicholas Michael Chakmakian AP World History 18 August 2015 Chapter 31 Outline Americas in Indep. Village fish peddler Fat thing Chin went to cast of south china for fish tosell at market Heard tale of mts. Of gold beckoning Chinese to cross ocean 19, learned he could buy passage on foreign ship Didn?t want to alarm parents/authorities, arrested ppl. Who left China 1849, boarded Spanish ship to sail to California to join goldrush 95 days passed before San Francisco came into view Met Chinese vets in US who explained need to stick together to prosper Chin hired out as gold miner; worked for 2 yrs., accumulated gold Wrote fam., urging them to join him; returned to China Gambledat sea/lost ? gold by time ship docked at Guangzhou