Rawle Phylogeny IV
Biology [1]
This week in BIO153 Lecture 7: Phylogeny IV Lecture 8: Phylogeny V Tutorial 4: TBA Readings: Ch 26 Lab 3: Primitive landplants Hand in Literacy assignment 1 1 Lecture 7: Phylogeny IV Term Test I One more misconception Interpreting different types of trees Three examples 2 Term test 1 - Logistics Regular class time on Feb. 3 Write during your registered lecture section Bring HB pencil and student ID Read through the instructions before hand (First page of test will be posted on course website) Know your Lab section number and your Lab TA?s name 3 Term test 1- content & format Lectures 2-8, regardless of what is covered in assigned chapters Chapters 22, (24 only as background), 26, regardless of what was covered in lectures Format: