Principles of Chemistry Chapter 2
Chemistry [1]
Chemistry [2]
Periodic Table [3]
Chemical bonding [4]
ions [5]
Chemical bond [7]
Ionic bonding [8]
ion [9]
molecule [10]
Chemical substance [11]
Chemical formula [12]
Hydride [13]
Chapter 2: Atoms and Molecules Section 1: Insight into Polymers Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:40 PM What is a polymer? -substance consisting of many large particles (called momoners) -monomers are small molecules made of many atoms ? note: the composition of the monomers determines the properties of the polymer ? All polymers have a polymer backbone, which is a long string of atoms keeping the molecule together. In organic chemistry, the backbone is made of carbon molecules! ? ? ? THE DIFFERENT COMBOS OF ATOMS MAKE DIFFERENT POLYMERS! ? ? ? ? Coulomb's Law describes interaction of charged particles. ? (remember the E is the permittivity constant) ? ? ? ? ?