Ch. 2 PPT
Human Geography [1]
Demography [2]
population [3]
fertility [6]
Birth rate [8]
World population [9]
Population pyramid [10]
Sub-Saharan Africa [11]
Economic growth [12]
Population growth [13]
Key Issues Where is the world population distributed? Why is global population increasing? Why does population growth vary among regions? Why do some regions face health threats? Learning Outcomes 2.1.1: Describe regions where population is clustered and where it is sparse. 2.1.2: Define three types of density used in population geography. 2.2.1: Understand how to measure population growth through the nature increase rate. 2.2.2: Understand how to measure births and deaths through CBR and CDR. 2.2.3: Understand how to read a population pyramid. Learning Outcomes 2.3.1: Describe the four stages of the demographic transition. 2.3.2: Summarize two approaches to reducing birth rates. 2.3.3: Summarize Malthus?s argument about the relationship between population and resources.