Human Geography [1]
Demography [2]
population [3]
human migration [6]
Birth rate [9]
Population growth [10]
Net migration rate [11]
Human capital flight [12]
Urbanization [13]
UNIT 2 POPULATION VOCABULARY Chapter 2 Vocabulary Quiz: ______ Chapter 3 Vocabulary Quiz: ______ (*w) Indicates the term is found in Unit 2 of the supplemental reading, AP Human Geography: A Study Guide 3rd Edition by Ethel Wood Directions: Below are the terms from your textbook and supplemental reading. You are responsible for ALL terms and will be taking two quizzes over Unit 2 terms. CHAPTER 2 1. Arable Land (*w) 2. Agricultural Density 3. Agricultural Revolution (*w) 4. Arithmetic Density 5. Carrying Capacity (*w) 6. Census 7. Crude Birth Rate (CBR) 8. Crude Death Rate (CDR) 9. Demographic Transition 10. Demographic Transition Model/Theory (*w) 11. Demography 12. Density (*w) 13. Dependency Ratio 14. Distance Decay (*w)