AP calc pre req practice test
Calculus [1]
Asymptote [4]
AP Calculus AB Name:________________________________________ AP Problem Set: Prerequisites and Limits Signature (indicating you worked alone):___________________________________________ No calculator allowed. ALL WORK MUST BE COMPLETED ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER IN NUMERICAL ORDER WITH THIS SHEET STAPLED BEHIND IT. If I can?t read it, you will earn a 0 on this assignment. If your work does not support your answer choice, you will earn a 0 on this assignment! 1. If , then the inverse function, , is given by (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 2. Which of the following function are continuous for all real numbers x? I. II. III. (A) None (B) I only (C) II only (D) I and II (E) I and III