The Odyssey Book 17
English [1]
Greek mythology [2]
Odyssey [3]
Epic Cycle [5]
Odysseus [6]
Eumaeus [7]
Telemachus [8]
Penelope [9]
Odyssean gods [10]
Eurycleia [11]
1. Initial: The initial situation is when Telemachos returns home to his mother, and when she asks about his journey and what he learned about Odysseus. (Page 212-213:" 'My son, I think I will go up to my room and lie down on my bed of sorrow, which has been always drowned in my tears since Odysseus left us for Ilion with the royal princes.And you would condescend to tell me plainly if you heard anything of your father, before all these rough men came in!' Telemachos answered: 'Well, mother, I will tell you about it...' ") Reversal: