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Epic Cycle

The Odyssey Book 17

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1. Initial: The initial situation is when Telemachos returns home to his mother, and when she asks about his journey and what he learned about Odysseus. (Page 212-213:" 'My son, I think I will go up to my room and lie down on my bed of sorrow, which has been always drowned in my tears since Odysseus left us for Ilion with the royal princes.And you would condescend to tell me plainly if you heard anything of your father, before all these rough men came in!' Telemachos answered: 'Well, mother, I will tell you about it...' ") Reversal:

The Odyssey Book 16

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1. Initial: The initial situation is when Telemachos sees Odysseus, but he is disguised as the old beggar, so he does not recognize his own father. (Page 199: "Then he took the spear from the hand of Telemachos, and the young man passed in over the threshold. As he entered, his father Odysseus rose from the seat to make room for him but Telemachos checked him, and said: 'Stay where you are, stranger, we can find another seat in our hut; there's a man here to provide one.' ") Reversal:

The Odyssey Book 9

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1. Initial: The initial situation is when Odysseus and his crew start their journey home. (Page 107: "'From that place we sailed onward much discouraged but glad to have escaped death, although we had lost good companions...But Zeus Cloudgatherer sent a nor'wester upon our fleet with a night rushed down from the sky. The ships were blown plunging along, the sails were split into shreds and tatters by the violence of the wind. We let down the sails in fear of death, and rowed the bare hulls to shore. There we lay two days and two nights on end, eating out our hearts with hardship and anxiety.") Reversal:

The Odyssey Book 7

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1. Initial: The initial situation is when Odysseus arrives at the palace. and asks for help getting home. (Page 86: '"There Odysseus stood gazing, after all his tribulations.When he had taken it in he crossed the threshold with brisk steps, and entered the hall...'Arete, daughter of divine Rhexenor! I come in my distress, a suppliant to your husband and to your knees.Yes, and to these who sit at meat; may the gods grant them to be happy while they live; and may each have children to inherit his wealth and the honourable place which the people has given him. Now I beseech you to send me home to my native land without delay, for I have long suffered tribulation far from my friends.'") Reversal:

The Odyssey Book 5

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1. Initial: The initial situation is when Odysseus is stuck on Calypso's island, against his will. (Page 64: "He says there's a man here, one of those who were nine years fighting before Priam's town, and the most unlucky of them all. It took them ten years to capture that city: then they set out for home, but on the way they offended Athena, and she raised a bad wind and a heavy sea against them. All his good comrades were drowned, but he as it seems was carried here by winds and waters. That's the man, and the orders are to send him away at once; for it is not his fate to perish in this place...")
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