Biology [1]
INQUIRY LAB: ENZYMES Overall Research Question: What Makes the Bubble Gum Stretch? Research Question: What conditions would affect the rate of an enzymatic reaction? Null Hypothesis: The pH and temperature will have an effect on the rate of enzymatic reactions. #1 Alternative Hypothesis: The pH and temperature will have an effect on the rate of enzymatic reactions. #2 Alternative Hypothesis: The pH and temperature will not have an effect on the rate of enzymatic reactions. Control Group: The pH level of 7 (neutral) Independent Variable: pH- 3,5,7,9,11 (I will get data for pH 5 and 7) Temperature- 4,21, 30, 40, 60 (In degrees Celsius) (I will get data for 30 and 40 degrees Celsius) Independent Variable: The pH level Dependent Variable: The rate of the enzyme reactions pH