Biology [1]
Archaea [2]
Bacteriology [3]
Cell Biology [5]
organelles [6]
Eukaryote [7]
Domain [8]
cell [9]
bacteria [10]
Prokaryote [11]
Biology [13]
Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life Chapter 1 Overview: Inquiring About Life An organism?s adaptations to its environment are the result of evolution For example, the ghost plant is adapted to conserving water; this helps it to survive in the crevices of rock walls Evolution is the process of change that has transformed life on Earth ? 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 1.2 Biology is the scientific study of life Biologists ask questions such as How does a single cell develop into an organism? How does the human mind work? How do living things interact in communities? Life defies a simple, one-sentence definition Life is recognized by what living things do ? 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 1.3 Order Evolutionary adaptation Response to the environment