The Cultural Landscape (Rubenstein) Chapter 10 review questions
Human Geography [1]
agriculture [2]
crops [4]
Agroecology [6]
Livestock [8]
Crop rotation [9]
Shifting cultivation [10]
Cash crop [11]
Farm [13]
?PAGE ? ?PAGE ?1? AP Human Geography Chapter 10 Agriculture 1. What is the ?typical human? and how does this differ with your situation especially with regard to how and what you eat? 2. Why do LDCs have such a high percentage of the world?s farmers? 3. How can the United States produce so much food with just less than 2% of the population engaged in agriculture? 4. What is the most important distinction regarding farm products? 5. What are the main reasons for the variety of agricultural practices in the world? 6. Describe why farmers in the same culture make different decisions with respect to what they grow. 7. From a global perspective, how do recent trends impact farmer?s decisions?