Human Geography ch.3 outline
Human Geography [1]
human migration [2]
Demography [3]
population [4]
immigration [5]
Chain migration [7]
Migrant worker [8]
Mass migration [9]
Illegal immigration [10]
Internal migration [11]
Economic migrant [12]
Forced migration [13]
Chapter 3: Migration Relocation Diffusion- spread through the bodily movement of people Migration- permanent movement from one place to another Geographers document where people migrate to across space. A form of relocation diffusion. Emigration- migration from a location Immigration- migration to a location Net Migration- difference between immigrants and emigrants If immigrants exceeds emigrants net migration is positive (net in-migration) If emigrants exceeds immigrants net migration is negative (net out-migration) Mobility- general term for covering all types of movement Circulation- short term repetitive cyclic daily movements Key Issue I: Why do people Migrate? Geography has no comprehensive theory of migration.